Need I say more?? These two crack me up! They love their rope swing! (I just wish that red car hadn't been in the background. I might just have to figure out how to touch up my pics a bit!)
Our garden...a couple of days ago in the sunshine! Everything is growing nicely. The pumpkin, squash, and zucchini blooms are enormous. I have a couple of tomatoes growing, as well as a bell pepper. Big J's radishes are ready, but he decided that he didn't like them. :) My herbs are finally at a point where I can harvest small amounts! In the pictures, Joshua is standing beside pumpkin and sunflower plants!
Our final two weeks of school centered around the study of color. We learned some interesting things about color wheels, primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, and much more! Here are the boys painting with their primary colors, red, blue, and yellow!
One of our last unit studies was on birds. The boys had a blast reading about different birds and about how God made them so unique. We read some very interesting books. (The library is a fantastic place, by the way :). One book had a page that showed how to make a mini paper bird house. They were too small for actual birds, though Joshua's hangs in the garden right now (he's holding out hope for a hummingbird to find it)! Here are the finished products!
...because I've been reading. There are too many good books out there that I want to read. And lately, my free time has been going to that. :) You can check out my 'currently reading' list to see what has been consuming my time! More posts about the boys will be coming soon!