Where did the month go??? We've had a very fun, full month, and I can't believe it's almost gone. Here's a little bit of what we've been up to!

We set up the water slide one weekend and had a blast. We had several different friends come to play! Neil and I even slid down a few times...scary, I know! :)

Joshua had sports camp one week. It was awesome! It was a christian based program that taught specific sports skills and also had bible applications for how to be a good sport, etc. He loved it. His specific sport was soccer!

I grew a gigantic zucchini...completely on accident. We had been out of town for a week. I had checked over all of my plants to pick before we left, but I must have missed one, because this is what I found when I got back!

We got a new puppy! I don't have many pictures of her because my camera has been acting up. Her name is Roxie(y), though we haven't decided on the spelling for certain. :) She's cute, and she's a puppy...very rambunctious! She'll be 10 weeks old on Monday!

The boys are, well, boys! Here is one attempt to get a picture of them. See what I'm up against?!

Joshua lost a tooth, actually two teeth. This was the first of two within a weeks time. And, when the second one came out, I officially gained the title of worst parent ever. Let's just say that the tooth fairy forgot to leave money for the tooth not just ONCE, but TWICE! It had been a long week, but still, how could I forget TWO nights in a row. Ugh!

We have spent many days inside because it has been SO hot. And we just got back from a trip to my parents house to swim in their new pool! We had a blast. Again, no pictures of our fun times swimming with them because my camera was acting up. I sat down this afternoon to try to diagnose the problem and it was working just fine. Frustration! Oh well! That's about it for the month of July!