Saturday, September 24, 2011
Caught in the act...
...of enjoying each other's company! Truthfully, the boys often enjoy each other's company. Of course, they have those moments when they need some space, but then, who doesn't?! I had to throw in a pic of Ziva trying to be in the middle of everything. Can you see her under the table trying to get as close to the boys as possible? When Big J is working on his school work at the table, this is her favorite place to be!
Monday, September 19, 2011
First Day of School
No, our first day of school was not today! We've been in session for 3 weeks and we're going on 4! I did much better with the boys "1st day of school" pics last year. They had gotten a bag full of goodies, had their backpacks on, and they may have even had their shoes on. :) This year was much more casual, socks or no socks. And M-man's blanket even managed to get into the picture. I'll post more about school later. Until then, enjoy our ever casual back-to-school pics! By the way, I must confess that one benefit of home schooling is that I (and the boys) don't get carried away with thinking that they have to have a completely new wardrobe for school every fall. We get what we need, use what we have, and enjoy a few special new Star Wars shirts (see previous birthday posts). :)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Star Wars Art
The past few days have been filled by the boys with the creation of chalk art in the front yard! It has finally been cooling off, so we have found ourselves out front playing! They have drawn vast cities, along with houses, lakes, bridges, and Star Wars characters. Here are a couple of M-man's creations! He is a big fan of Star Wars, especially of the characters of the Clone Wars. These two are his chalk drawings of Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka, Anakin's padawan. If you have any clue who those two characters are, then hopefully you will notice the resemblance. :) I personally think that these are excellent! What a talented boy! (Of course, I am biased...)
P.S. My hubby just informed me that these are pictures only a mother could love. :) In response, I am a mother, and I happen to be the mother of the sweetest, most talented little boy who worked very hard on this pictures! So, I still think they are excellent...but I also saw all of the time, effort, and concentration that went into them! :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Did you know that...
"God brings out the stars one by one, and calls them each by name!" - Isaiah 40:26b (my wording)
Amazing! Each star has a name and God calls them by that name. I read this during my bible study this morning. I've read it recently, but this time that part of the verse jumped out at me. The full verse is this:
"Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
- Isaiah 40:26
Amazing! Each star has a name and God calls them by that name. I read this during my bible study this morning. I've read it recently, but this time that part of the verse jumped out at me. The full verse is this:
"Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing."
- Isaiah 40:26
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Birthdays! (Part 4)

Okay, I promise that this is the last birthday post for least until the next birthday! The rest of the birthday presents arrived the day after the big boy's birthday. So, we had a second party of sorts! Can you tell that he likes Star Wars?? Many thanks to the Aunt and Uncles who sent such fun gifts! We've been playing like crazy ever since!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Birthdays! (Part 3)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Birthdays! (Part 2)

For Micah's birthday yesterday, he wanted to go to an aquarium. We decided to go to a smaller Children's Aquarium and had a great time. There was almost nobody there, so we had the place to ourselves. The boys also got extra attention from the volunteers who were there to teach about the critters. Micah's favorite things to see (and touch) were the stingrays and the horseshoe crabs. At first, he wouldn't try to touch the animals in the touch tanks. But by the time we left, his shirt was soaking wet from pulling his arm in and out of the water! We had a fun morning and it was the perfect outing for this newly four year old boy!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Happy Birthday, Micah! (Part 1)

Today is Micah's birthday! He is a 4 years old and is more grown up, all of a sudden! When did that happen?? :) We started off the day with new Star Wars Lego shirts for both boys and then a trip to Chick-fil-a for breakfast! Micah wasn't quite ready for pictures so early in the morning. And, since my camera is acting up again (ugh!), I'm having to use the camera that has a slower shutter speed...hence two pictures of the boys with one of them smiling and NO pictures with both of them smiling. Oh well. It was off to the Children's Aquarium after breakfast. More to follow on that later! And, if you were wondering what Micah was saying in the picture with me, it was "Star Wars", which is this birthday's theme!
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