Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Promises - A New series!

During the IF:Gathering, we talked about the promises of God.  That IF God is real, than we should be able to trust Him.  That also means that we should trust His Word, and the promises he gives us in the Bible.  I was strongly convicted that, even though I've been a believer for many years, I didn't really know His promises.  They weren't written on my heart, so to speak.

In an effort to know God better, to know the promises he gives us, I'm starting a series on HIS promises! What better verse to begin with than Joshua 1:9! (And what better use of left over name tags from IF!)

I don't know about you, but I've been faced with many discouraging thoughts this past week. Today I choose to remember to not be discouraged because God is with me!  My hope is that as I walk through this series, that you will be encouraged as well!

P.S. - We just started a new study of Hebrews on IF:Equip.  It's not too late to join us. Just click on the IF:Equip link. Yesterday was the introduction and today we started in Hebrews 1.  This is a great way to stay in the Word, and to be encouraged in your spiritual journey!

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