After several cold days, it finally warmed up enough to get out and play for awhile. The boys had a great time, and I even had a chance to pull out my camera. I was very pleased with the results! What fun, handsome boys I have been blessed with! We've had a busy week, which is the reason I haven't had a chance to post. Today, Micah is 16 months old! I can hardly believe that so much time has passed since he was born. Also this morning, Micah had a check up and some of his shots. He was a trooper and didn't even cry. He just stared at the nurse, trying to figure out what had just happened. :) The boys are asleep (I hope), so I'm off to work on miscellaneous "stuff". Have a great night! By the way, we still have leaves because we never raked them in the first place, AND it seems that every leaf in the neighborhood ends up in our yard! :)
those pics are fabulous! They look like they had so much fun!
and yeah for Micah for not crying during shots! I used to be a nanny and that kid was so scared of the doc. Taking him in there was terrible.
Love the pics... miss you. Hopefully we'll get to see you soon :)
Would you like to trade some of our snow for your leaves? Ha, ha... Those are great pictures! It's hard to believe our babies are 16 months old.
Two thoughts... One is, I love your nature pictures. What a good idea! They turned out great! Two is, 16 months already?!?! Sounds like it's time for another!
VERY sweet photos--you'd never guess they were taken in the middle of winter! we were so happy to see you guys the other day...
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