The idea for the Statue of Liberty was born in the heart of Edouard de Laboulaye, a French law professor, who had studied our constitution in great detail. For America's 100th birthday, he hoped to create a gift that represented freedom, as France had helped America to win independence in 1776. Laboulaye saw this as a gift from one people to another. The story that unfolds in amazing and inspiring! I highly recommend you read this book! It may be a children's story book, but it can be as informative and influential to an adult as it can be to a child.
I personally have never seen The Statue of Liberty, though I do hope to in the not too distant future. Through it, I feel that we have a connection not only to France, but to upholding FREEDOM on our shores and abroad. I'll leave you with the last paragraph of the book, which seems very timely at this moment.
"The dream of many people is to breathe free.
The Statue of Liberty represents this dream.
Let her inspire the world to give and to cherish the gift of freedom."
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