Sunday, October 11, 2015

October Favorite Things: Homeschooling!

Our schooling journey has been just that...a journey.  We chose homeschooling in the beginning for the flexibility and freedom it would bring in our schooling and family life.  We took last year off, for various reason, not knowing if we would ever come back to it.  The boys were in our local public school last year and it was a good year.  But we missed the freedom to have a flexible schedule, to take advantage of opportunities, and to do some different things!  So, here we are again.  

I honestly didn't plan to write about homeschooling during this month of favorites.  I wasn't sure if it was one of my favorite things or not.  It has been tough to adjust back to being 'teacher' and it has been challenging to once again balance home life with school life.  But after a month and a half or so of school, I can say that it is a favorite of mine!  I enjoy teaching and facilitating the boys learning time.  I wouldn't miss our weekly field trips and days of exploration for anything! I don't know what the future holds, or how long we will walk this road again, but I will be thankful and relish each day!

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." Proverb 16:9

Going on a short hike at a local nature center.

Success!  Animal cell membranes!

Experiments on preserving apples in salt, epsom salt, and baking sodaa.

Size doesn't matter, only that he caught something!

More fishing, of course!

Catching amazing creatures like this soft shell turtle!

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